Enthalpy, Entropy and Gibbs energy exam question booklet
This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of
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This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of
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To complete our understanding of systems that have achieved equilibrium, we need to look at the position of equilibrium through
Continue readingWhy don’t reactions at equilibrium go to completion?
For a full understanding of why ionic compounds are soluble we need to consider both the enthalpy and entropy changes
The change in Gibbs free energy, ΔG, is a convenient way to determine whether a reaction is spontaneous or feasible
A spontaneous or feasible process must be accompanied by a positive change in total entropy (entropy of the universe). Whether
Continue readingHow to determine whether a reaction is feasible
Why does water freeze when you place it in a freezer? Certainly not because the freezer sucks the heat out