Why are ionic compounds soluble? (part 1)

Quick answer? It’s all about competing strengths of attraction between ions, between ions and water molecules, between water molecules themselves …

Key points …

  • the anions(-) and cations(+) are scattered randomly throughout the water and behave independently of each other
  • water molecules are polar because oxygen atoms are more electronegative than hydrogen atoms (oxygen attracts the electrons in the covalent bond more strongly)

Solubilities of common ions ( you need to learn this!)

all nitrates
all chloridesexcept for AgCl and PbCl2
most sulphatesexcept for BaSO4, PbSO4 and SrSO4
all carbonates, except Group 1 and ammonium carbonates
all Group 1 and ammonium salts
Cu(OH)2, Fe(OH)2, Fe(OH)3

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