Calculations for AS and A level Chemistry
Being confident in tackling different types of mole calculation is the foundation upon which much of A level chemistry stands
The ultimate A level chemistry resource
Being confident in tackling different types of mole calculation is the foundation upon which much of A level chemistry stands
This is not just more exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of those
The model of the atom we used at GCSE is not sufficient for A level but it is really important
Alkenes cannot rotate through their C=C double bond, it locks the structure of the molecule in place at that point.
Continue readingStereoisomerism and the Cahn, Ingold, Prelog rules
The chemistry that underlies the depletion of ozone in the stratosphere by chlorofluorocarbon molecules is really interesting – an application
Catalysts are able to lower the activation enthalpy, Ea, for a reaction, increasing the number of successful collisions between reactants
Continue readingHeterogeneous catalysis and catalytic converters
Photochemical smog is a brownish haze caused by the action of the sun’s visible and ultraviolet radiation on the primary
Continue readingWhat is photochemical smog and how do we prevent it from forming?
Global warming and the greenhouse effect are topics that everyone feels they know well enough (because you’ve done them to
Alkanes are exceptionally boring and unreactive molecules chemically speaking but we can persuade them to react with halogens in the
Continue readingWhat are free radical substitution reactions?
Petrol needs to be blended to have the right properties in terms of its volatility and to reduce its propensity
Crude oil is the raw material from which alkanes are extracted via the process of fractional distillation. There is nothing
Continue readingFractional distillation and catalytic cracking explained
Structural isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula but a different arrangement of atoms … you need to recognise
I’ve tried to simplify the rules for naming alkanes in this video – I don’t think this requires notes so