Calculations for AS and A level Chemistry
Being confident in tackling different types of mole calculation is the foundation upon which much of A level chemistry stands
The ultimate A level chemistry resource
Being confident in tackling different types of mole calculation is the foundation upon which much of A level chemistry stands
This is not just more exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of those
The model of the atom we used at GCSE is not sufficient for A level but it is really important
Finding the formula of a hydrated salt is no different than determining the empirical formula of any other compound –
Limiting reactant problems follow on directly from reacting mass calculations. In these questions, you have to figure out which reactant
Continue readingDetermining the limiting reactant in a reaction
Percentage yield is one of many deciding factors in determining whether or not a reaction is economically viable. It compares
The key to reacting mass calculations at A level is to have a foolproof method for setting them out so
Empirical formula: simplest ratio of the atoms of different elements in a compound Molecular formula: the actual number of each
Factor Name Unit Common examples 106 mega M 103 kilo k kg 10-1 deci d dm 10-2 centi c cm
Atom economy or percentage atom economy is simply a measure of how ‘green’ a chemical process is – it essentially
Rule 1: when adding or subtracting numbers, the answer should be quoted to the least number of decimal places in
Often students arrive at A level knowing how to calculate the number of moles of a substance but with a