There are some things that are never covered in the text books and you are just supposed to ‘know’ at A level 😬.
You should have come across Avogadro’s number and atom economy at GSCE, but I suspect you couldn’t confidently convert parts per million into grams or nanometres into centimetres if I were to put you on the spot. These posts are short and sweet, with explainer videos and practice questions 🙂.
And then there are logarithms, natural logarithms and using them to simplify equations so that we can elicit the exact nature of the relationship between an observed and a control variable. This material is firmly in the realm of A level Maths but not everyone does A level Maths. These posts are to bring you up to speed and to be used as a reference or crib sheet when needed!

Understanding logarithms and natural logarithms
Everything you need to understand about logarithms and natural logarithms in A level Chemistry, written for everyone not doing Maths at A level!

Rearranging equations so we can plot straight line graphs
and determine the relationship between variables where it is not simply proportional