IR spectroscopy is an exceedingly useful analytical technique for determining the presence of certain bonds, and hence functional groups, in a molecule. Bonds absorb specific frequencies of IR radiation, causing them to vibrate more strongly. An IR spectrum for a molecule shows us which frequencies have been absorbed and with the use of a data sheet we can determine the types of bond present.
The first of these posts explains the background chemistry before a deep dive into how to interpret an IR spectrum at A level, with plenty of practice exam questions.

What is infrared spectroscopy?
From vibrating bonds, symmetric and asymmetric stretches to an IR spectrum

Everything you need to know, exam tips and terminology and exam style practice questions

Explaining all the different C=O bond vibrations
It all depends on the functional group …

Exam question practice!
Written to stretch and challenge your understanding and analysis skills, with A* perfect answers, exam tips and tricks 😍