This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of those in the past paper resources for your particular A level exam board.
These questions have been written to stretch your understanding and your analysis skills (there are no easy questions here!). The given answers showcase the well-structured and well-explained response expected of an A / A* candidate. Use them to develop ‘perfect answer statements or templates and supercharge your exam preparation (the booklet covers OCR ‘A’, OCR ‘B’, AQA and Edexcel Chemistry A level syllabi).

The difference between one grade and another is almost always down to how well a candidate can communicate their knowledge on paper, and there is never enough time to teach this in class.
Click here to download the booklet for only £3.99 😊
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure
Colin Powell