How to calculate enthalpy of neutralisation
Determining either the enthalpy change of neutralisation, or the enthalpy change for a classic displacement reaction (they are pretty much
The ultimate A level chemistry resource
Determining either the enthalpy change of neutralisation, or the enthalpy change for a classic displacement reaction (they are pretty much
How can we possibly know what elements are present in the stars? It’s not like we can nip off and
For a full understanding of why ionic compounds are soluble we need to consider both the enthalpy and entropy changes
Born-Haber cycles are simply a fancy Hess cycle transposed onto an energy level diagram and we can use them to
The change in Gibbs free energy, ΔG, is a convenient way to determine whether a reaction is spontaneous or feasible
A spontaneous or feasible process must be accompanied by a positive change in total entropy (entropy of the universe). Whether
Continue readingHow to determine whether a reaction is feasible
Questions based on carrying out titration and interpreting the results are common both at AS and A level. Before we
Continue readingTitration – experimental technique questions
So now you are confident with run-of-the-mill, text book titration questions it’s time to tackle the types of question you
If you come unstuck working through the questions, leave a comment and I’ll get back to you. Good luck 😊!