Enthalpy, Entropy and Gibbs energy exam question booklet
This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of
Continue readingEnthalpy, Entropy and Gibbs energy exam question booklet
The ultimate A level chemistry resource
This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of
Continue readingEnthalpy, Entropy and Gibbs energy exam question booklet
This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of
This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty
This is not just another set of exam questions with exam board style mark schemes. You can find plenty of
Continue readingAcids, bases and buffers exam question booklet
Now it is time to introduce the concept of the equilibrium constant, Kc. Kc is basically a ratio – the
Continue readingHow to find the equilibrium constant and equilibrium concentrations for a reaction
The chemistry that underlies the depletion of ozone in the stratosphere by chlorofluorocarbon molecules is really interesting – an application
Mass spectrometry is a really powerful tool for helping us to piece together the structure of an organic molecule. Ionisation
Continue readingInterpreting the mass spectrum of an organic molecule
Electrolysis uses electricity (energy) to drive a non-spontaneous reaction which is useful for recharging batteries, splitting water to make hydrogen
Redox titration questions are very popular on exam papers. They are usually set in an unfamiliar context and may require
Reactions are either endothermic or exothermic – the heat transferred during a chemical reaction is either moving from the system
Continue readingUsing bond enthalpies to calculate an enthalpy change of reaction