If you need a refresher from GCSE, start with this quick introduction to bonding from TedEd. You might also like to clear up any misconceptions you have about ionic and covalent bonds using this true/false quiz (scroll past the answers on the first two pages to page 3 – no cheating!) before delving deeper.
And when you think you’ve got a handle on it all, there’s an excellent article on whether chemical bonds are real or figments of our imagination on the Chemistry World website 😍.

Ionic bonding and ionic lattices
an update on the dot /cross diagrams we used at GCSE and an introduction to lattice enthalpies

including how to identify spectator ions and an introduction to solubility and precipitation reactions

Metallic bonding and properties of metals
short and sweet!

including dot / cross diagrams for compound ions and molecules that don’t obey the octet rule

A note on the nature of ionic lattices
and the grey areas between ionic, covalent and metallic bonding

Using valence theory to explain sigma and pi bonds
What makes a C-C single bond different to a C=C double bond?
The answer lies in the way carbon merges its s and p orbitals to make new super useful hybrid bonding orbitals

This is taking things a little beyond A level but the model explains many of the niggling questions you might have about bonding – why does H2 exist but not Be2?

Shapes of molecules and polyatomic ions
a super-clear explanation of how to determine the shape of a molecule, determine its bond angles and tips for answering exam questions

Electronegativity and polar bonds
the foundations of understanding intermolecular bonding (and so much more!)

a detailed explanation of instantaneous dipole – induced dipole bonds (London forces), permanent dipole – permanent dipole bonds and hydrogen bonds