Percentage yield calculations
Percentage yield is one of many deciding factors in determining whether or not a reaction is economically viable. It compares
The ultimate A level chemistry resource
Percentage yield is one of many deciding factors in determining whether or not a reaction is economically viable. It compares
The key to reacting mass calculations at A level is to have a foolproof method for setting them out so
Empirical formula: simplest ratio of the atoms of different elements in a compound Molecular formula: the actual number of each
Factor Name Unit Common examples 106 mega M 103 kilo k kg 10-1 deci d dm 10-2 centi c cm
Atom economy or percentage atom economy is simply a measure of how ‘green’ a chemical process is – it essentially
Rule 1: when adding or subtracting numbers, the answer should be quoted to the least number of decimal places in
Often students arrive at A level knowing how to calculate the number of moles of a substance but with a