The change in Gibbs free energy, ΔG, is a convenient way to determine whether a reaction is spontaneous or feasible without having to consider the entropy change of the surroundings, ΔSsurr. This means that ΔG can be calculated from the properties of the system (which is, of course, our reaction).

Let’s figure out how all this is possible …
- We know that for a spontaneous reaction ΔStotal > 0 according to the second law of thermodynamics and that ΔStotal = ΔSsurr + ΔSsys
- We also know that we can calculate a value for ΔSsurr if we know the enthalpy change of the reaction, ΔH (remember that exothermic reactions release energy to the surroundings, increasing their entropy, and vice versa for endothermic reactions) and the temperature (we assume that Tsys = Tsurr)

- So we can write an expression for ΔStotal as

- If we multiply both sides of the expression by -T we get

- which, if we compare this to the expression for ΔG, means that ΔG is the exact same thing as -T ΔStotal

Finally let’s consider the contribution of the enthalpy and entropy terms to ΔG.
ΔG = ΔH – T ΔSsys
In general, a negative value for ΔH (exothermic reaction) makes a favourable contribution, as does a positive value for ΔSsys because of the minus sign in the (-TΔSsys) term.
However, the temperature is often the deciding factor.
- At low temperatures the -TΔSsys term will be small and the feasibility of the reaction will be mainly determined by ΔH. Endothermic reactions will become feasible on heating.
- At high temperatures the -TΔSsys term plays a more significant role and the feasibility of the reaction will depend on ΔSsys. Reactions in which there is a decrease in entropy will become feasible on cooling.
Practice questions
- (a) Suggest why dissolving potassium chloride in water is accompanied by a positive change in entropy (ΔS⦵ = +75.0 JK-1mol-1).
(b) The enthalpy change of solution for dissolving potassium chloride in water is endothermic (ΔsolH⦵ = +17.2 kJ mol-1). Determine by calculation whether potassium chloride is soluble at 25°C.
2. Calculate ΔG⦵ for the reaction between ammonia and hydrogen chloride at 25°C
NH3(g) + HCl(g) ⇾ NH4Cl(s)
Substance | ΔfH⦵ / kJ mol-1 | S⦵ / JK-1mol-1 |
NH3(g) | -46.0 | 192.5 |
HCl(g) | -92.3 | 186.7 |
NH4Cl(s) | -315.5 | 94.6 |
3. (a) Determine by calculation whether the following reaction is feasible at 1000K
2NO(g) + O2(g) ⇾ N2O4(g) ΔrH⦵ = -171.6 kJ mol-1 ΔS⦵ = -322 JK-1 mol-1
(b) Explain under what conditions, if any, reactions in which there is a decrease in entropy are feasible.
1. (a) On dissolving, one particle becomes two and as there are more ways of arranging two particles than one (as well as more ways of distributing the energy), there is an increase in entropy.
KCl(s) ⇾ K+(aq) + Cl–(aq)

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